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Flood Problem Essay

Friday, 9 January 2015

Floods are common in Pakistan as it is the land of fine rivers. In the monsoon season, heavy rains along with melting of snow become major cause of flood in the region. Punjab and Sindh get affected by flood chiefly.

Flood is a natural calamity and brings destruction to human life. It damages properties, farms, etc., of thousands of people living near river banks. During the last decade, floods become more frequent. They destroy whole villages and kill hundreds of people and animals.

Roads are the major mean of transport, they also get badly affected. Army always manages to support and help the victims. People also make donations on large scale but that is not enough. It has now become the problem of every year almost and government should make plans to stop this natural disaster. Dams should be made and different means must be followed to transport the water in the areas where famine is common. We can turn this menace into blessing if we want but we have to work hard for that. 

Flood Problems in Pakistan Essay, Paragraph on Flood Problems in Pakistan


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