“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Nelson Mandela
Education is the basic right of every human being. It is the power that drags a person from darkness of illiteracy into the light of knowingness. In general sense, education is the transferring of knowledge, habits and skills from one generation to the next. However, in our country, education is taken as the art of getting knowledge from the books only. This is the foremost reason of educational downfall in Pakistan.
There are many factors that are contributing to the destruction of education in Pakistan; government negligence, poverty, class discrimination, and poor education system are the top ones.
In the last few decades, many primary and secondary government schools have been developed in cities and villages and they are providing free education but their standard is no match with the schools of private sectors. In public schools, many students get enrolled every year but the school administration doesn’t care for the daily attendance.
In government schools, students don’t get proper education as many government school teachers don’t bother to pay visit to the school and the students who go to these schools often don’t get educated in the way they deserve. This problem can only be solved with the involvement of government. It should take initiatives to control the attendance of the teachers at school.
Another big problem is the class discrimination that can be seen in the educational system of Pakistan also. Our elite class, which includes our ministers and officials, send their children to some best private schools. So the people with the power don’t concern with the poor educational system of the government schools.
The rise of poverty in Pakistan is forcing every single person of the house to work, as parents’ wages are low to support the whole family. When a poor has nothing to eat, how can he think about the education of his children. In this alarming situation, it is necessary for the government to introduce beneficial policies for the poor that can help them to educate their families. As the less privileged people are in the majority, government should help them in education so they can be fruitful for Pakistan in the future.
There is a huge list of educational problems in Pakistan. We don’t have the power to change the system, but we can change ourselves. If we can afford, we should take the responsibility to teach at least one child who is illiterate. We can give tuition to the ones who are going to the government schools. Sitting and condemning government cannot bring change; we can also do a lot!